| 1. | On a nearer approach barbicane found himself in view of a low, flat country of somewhat barren aspect . 在驶近海岸的时候,巴比康看见这是一片平坦的低地,看样子相当贫瘠。 |
| 2. | In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle 在这土地平坦的乡间 |
| 3. | In the flat country , people grow wheat and raise cattle 在这平坦的乡间,人们种指小麦,饲养牲畜。 |
| 4. | In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle 在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植水稻,饲养牲畜。 |
| 5. | In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle 在这片平原上,农民种麦子玉米和养牛。 |
| 6. | In this flat country , people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle 在这平坦的乡间,人们种麦子和玉米,并且养牛。 |
| 7. | In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle and sheep 在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦、玉米,并饲养牛羊。 |
| 8. | The five carriages were rolling through a flat country along an interminable straight road bordered by fine trees 五辆马车行驶在平原上,沿着一条笔直的望不到头的道路前进。 |
| 9. | Depending on how the ground surface is denuded , the feature of the current crustal stress field and rock stress environment can be calculated analyzing the result in this paper : by analyzing the recovering feature of the elastic deformation of the rockmass in unload - stage under various pressures , it has been found there is close relationship between the recovering degree of the elastic deformation of the rockmass and the unloading degree of the pressure the direction of the major principal stress in the crustal stress field is not consistent with the direction of the crushing stress regional tectonics borne during the last tectonic movement . the evolving degree of the regional geomorphology evidently affects the current crustal stress field , which changes from the self - weight stress field to the horizontal stress field , with the changing of the eroding degree of the regional geomorphology ranging from valley area to hilly country to flat country . in valley area , where there is two stress belts , the bankslope s tress belt and the self - weight stress belt within the mountain . the direction of the major principal stress is nearly parallel to the ground surface and inclines towards the valley in the bankslope stress belt . it is nearly vertical in the self - weight stress belt 通过本文的研究成果,根据区域性地貌的演化特征,我们可以大致地对现今地应力场进行判断:在分级卸荷条件下,岩体中弹性变形的恢复具有明显的规律性,这种规律对于研究地应力场的演变是有帮助的;地应力场中最大主应力方向与区域构造形迹在最近的构造运动中所受区域性挤压应力的方向无明显的对应性;区域性地貌形态的演化程度对现今地应力场的特征具明显的影响,随着区域性地貌侵蚀程度由峡谷区、丘陵区、平原区的变化,现今地应力场特征由自重应力场、水平应力场为主含少量自重应力场特征向水平应力场的规律变化;在峡谷区,山体中具有两个应力带:自重应力带和卸荷应力带,最大主应力方向在卸荷应力带中近平行于坡面并倾向于河谷、在自重应力带中近于直立;根据原始地面遭剥蚀的程度,可以大致地估算最大主应力和中间主应力的量值和方向;在丘陵区和平原区,最大主应力的方向近于水平,并与附近区域性侵蚀盆地和河流的展布方向基本平行,根据原始地面遭剥蚀的程度,可以大致估算其最大主应力的量值;根据区域性地貌形态的特征来分析工程区的现今地应力场特征,并进而大致了解岩石的应力环境,这种分析方法得出的结论与许多实际的地应力测试成果基本一致,对于大型水电工程地下厂房和压力隧洞的设计是有所帮助的。 |
| 10. | The evolving degree of the regional geomorphology evidently affects on the features of the current crustal stress field . so the crustal stress fields change from the self - weight stress field to the horizontal stress field with the changing of the eroding degree of the regional geomorphology from valley area to hilly country to flat country 然而,区域性地貌的演化特征对现今地应力场具明显的控制性,当区域性地貌特征从高山峡谷区向低山丘陵区和平原残丘区转变时,现今地应力场的特征也从自重应力场向水平应力场转变。 |